The Coroners Society
The Coroners' Society has the following objects:
- the promotion of the usefulness of the office of coroner to the public;
- the ascertainment in questions of difficulty of the duties which devolve on coroners;
- the advancement of such amendments to the law as seem desirable;
- the establishment and maintenance of contact with HM Government and the Chief Coroner; and
- the protection of the rights and interest of coroners
Coroners provide a local service to the community and more information can be found about the role of Coroners on the Ministry of Justice Website but see also Department for Constitutional Affairs Website
There is some useful information about attending inquests on the Coroners' Court Support Service Website - (though at this time this service, which is completely separate from the Society is only available in a some coroner areas)
The Coroners' Society is not a regulatory body.
If you require further information please contact the Coroners' Society
The Coroners' Society of England and Wales
HM Coroner’s Court
Gerard Majella Courthouse
Boundary Street
L5 2QD
Telephone 0151 233 0135
(This number leads to a voicemail facility where messages including your name, phone number and message should be left. The messages will only be interrogated during office hours when jurisdiction duties permit - the society is run by working coroners so please be patient, as our duties to those affected by sudden and unexpected death must come first)