Chief Coroner Combined annual report covering 2021-2220/12/2023

Please find attached the Chief Coroner Combined annual report covering 2021-22 which were published yesterday by the Lord Chancellor. Chief Coroner’s combined annual reports 2021 to 2022 - GOV.UK (


The report also contains, in the normal way, data on the number of cases over 12 months old, up to 2022.   

This annual report is being published in this combined way to properly align the publication schedule with the precise statutory wording of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 which requires the production of an annual report by 1 July each year, to cover the previous calendar year. Since 2014, when the first Chief Coroner Annual Report was published, legacy practice has been for each report to cover the period 1 July to 31 June. This approach was initially implemented to enable the first Chief Coroner to rapidly issue his first report. However, as the reporting framework is now well established, it is appropriate that the process for publication should be aligned with the precise statutory requirement.

There are additional advantages to properly synchronizing the publication cycle of the report, including aligning it with other information published in the death management system, such as the MOJ / ONS coroner statistics.


Yours sincerely,


HHJ Tommy Teague KC

Chief Coroner